Vertical Jump Training: Vert Shock. Re-bill+upsell+insane Conversions (voir Mobile)
Here's the link to it:
Professional Athlete Endorsed/ Created Vertical Jump Training System. Very High Conversion (expert Testing And Development), Low Refunds, Upsells And Re-bills To Your Aff Id. 24 Hr Support & Personalized Coaching. Aff Tools:
Breakthrough research has surfaced recently about the exact 'levers' which allow people to jump ridiculously high. So naturally, 2 genius basketball players took this research and used it to transform regular guys who can't even touch the rim into dudes who can dunk with 2 hands every time and with ease.
One of these geniuses is a pro basketball player and the other is the world's highest dunker (I think it's safe to say they know what they're doing LOL) They're getting a ton of media hype these days and blowing up on Youtube so I thought I'd let you know about them.
And it's great timing too since they've just released all their crazy vert jump body hacks and techniques. They've been teaching people this stuff in secret for years but now it's available to the public in a badass program.
Here's the link to it:
It's pretty crazy stuff so check it out.
I don't know about you but ever since I was a little kid and first saw Michael Jordan fly from the free throw line, hang in the air for what seemed like an hour and dunk the ball one-handed like a BOSS, I was never the same.
From that moment I've always wanted to dunk - call it a childhood dream I guess.
Only problem is I've never been the tallest or most athletic player around. Sure, I'm good on the court and my ball skills are tight, but I've never been THAT player.
You know, the guy that everyone watches. That explosive freak of nature that will block a shot, steal the ball, sprint down court and then reverse dunk making the other team look like sad amateurs.
That was never me.
However, I've just been told that Justin 'Jus Fly' Darlington (world's highest dunker) and Adam Folker (pro baller) have decided to release every single one of their secrets in a program they've used to add 32 inches in total to their vertical jumps.
So maybe this is my chance to finally dunk…and yours too.
It's hard to believe they would even release something like this, but here it is….
Check it out for yourself.

If you try VERT SHOCK today, Justin’s authorized me to give you access to this rare jump course…
Inside he reveals ALL of his top secrets to throwing down massive, contest winning dunks.
If you think you’re too short, or unathletic, you need to see‑this…
Because inside this never seen before course you’ll discover:
How to unlock 9+ inches of raw vertical jump using professional dunk champion secrets…
How to use “strength multipliers” to quickly become an explosive world class jumper even if you’re skinny and unathletic (combine 2 or 3 of these for insane results…)
How to re-wire your muscle memory and install the silky smooth jump mechanics of the world’s best dunkers…
3 “leg hacks” to unlock instant inches on your hops…
How to easily dunk WITHOUT PALMING THE BASKETBALL… (This is a game changer if you’re looking to throw down your first dunk…)
A weird takeoff approach used by Jus Fly for maximum propulsion and explosiveness every time…
How to build confidence in your jump ability FAST so that you dunk without hesitation in games…
Plus much much more…
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