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Coronavirus update

Since 31 December 2019 and as of 11 April 2020, 1 653 204 cases of COVID-19 (in accordance with the applied case definitions and testing strategies in the affected countries) have been reported, including 102 088 deaths.
Cases have been reported from:
Africa: 12 952 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are South Africa (2 003), Egypt (1 794), Algeria (1 761), Morocco (1 448) and Cameroon (803).
Asia: 271 501 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are China (83 004), Iran (68 192), Turkey (47 029), South Korea (10 450) and Israel (10 408).
America: 581 153 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are United States (501 560), Canada (22 133), Brazil (19 638), Ecuador (7 161) and Chile (6 501).
Europe: 779 401 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are Spain (157 022), Italy (147 577), Germany (117 658), France (90 676) and United Kingdom (70 272).
Oceania: 7 501 cases; the five countries reporting most cases are Australia (6 238), New Zealand (1 035), Guam (130), French Polynesia (51) and New Caledonia (18).
Other: 696 cases have been reported from an international conveyance in Japan.
Deaths have been reported from:
Africa: 691 deaths; the five countries reporting most deaths are Algeria (256), Egypt (135), Morocco (107), Burkina Faso (26) and Tunisia (25).
Asia: 10 158 deaths; the five countries reporting most deaths are Iran (4 232), China (3 343), Turkey (1 006), Indonesia (306) and India (239).
America: 21 715 deaths; the five countries reporting most deaths are United States (18 777), Brazil (1 056), Canada (569), Ecuador (297) and Mexico (233).
Europe: 69 453 deaths; the five countries reporting most deaths are Italy (18 851), Spain (15 843), France (13 197), United Kingdom (8 958) and Belgium (3 019).
Oceania: 64 deaths; the four countries reporting most deaths are Australia (54), Guam (4), New Zealand (4) and Northern Mariana Islands (2).
Other: 7 deaths have been reported from an international conveyance in Japan

Epidemiological curves

These histograms are based on the available information at the time of publication, originating from several sources. Data completeness depends on the availability of information from the affected areas. All data should be interpreted with caution as the outbreak is evolving rapidly. In addition, due to the unavailability of date-of-onset data and different testing policies per country, this figure might not be reflective of the evolution of the epidemic.

Distribution of COVID-19 cases worldwide, as of 11 April 2020


Cases reported in accordance with the applied case definition and testing strategies in the affected countries. The case definition in China (Hubei province) was updated on 13 and 20 February 2020

Distribution of COVID-19 deaths, worldwide, as of 11 April 2020. 

Geographic distribution of COVID-19

Geographic distribution of COVID-19 cases worldwide, as of 11 April 2020

Geographic distribution of cumulative number of reported COVID-19 cases per 100 000 population, worldwide, as of 11 April 2020


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